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WIYR Digital Deployment: Justice Kelly & President Trump

WIYR Kelly-Trump Digital Deployment.png

Young Republicans will be doing a Digital Deployment to make calls across Wisconsin to get out the vote for Justice Daniel Kelly and President Donald J. Trump for next Tuesday's April 7th Election! YRs across the region and nation in the Young Republican National Federation are invited to join our WIYR Digital Deployment to help make calls safely from your home while social distancing. It's quick and easy to do on the Campaign Sidekick phone app or by using a computer. Tutorials and script provided by Trump Victory WI!

Times: Saturday 10am - 7pm CST, Sunday 12pm - 5pm CST, Monday 10am - 7pm CST.

This WI Supreme Court race is absolutely vital to maintain our conservative majority and keep our hard fought reforms like Right to Work and Voter ID from being struck down by an activist court. Eric Holder has dumped hundred of thousands into the race to get Dane County Social Justice Judge Jill Karoskfy onto the Supreme Court ahead of redistricting. Evers and Holder are desperate to draw lines that will benefit Democrats and take over the legislature. With Governor Evers, Eric Holder and the Democrat Party actively trying to steal this election, will you help us prevent a takeover of our Courts?

With all races in Wisconsin now becoming digital and mail only, these phone banking efforts just became even more important to getting people out vote Tuesday April 7th!!

Register to make calls here:

Facebook event here:

Earlier Event: November 6
Election Day