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Spring Election Day 2020 - Vote Justice Kelly!

WIYRs Statewide Spring Election 2020 FB Post(1).png

The Wisconsin Spring Election IS HAPPENING today Tuesday April 7th!

Governor Evers and the Democrat Party are trying everything they can to steal this seat and suppress conservative voters to place their own bought and paid for Dane County social justice Judge Jill Karofsky on our high court. Yesterday, both the State and US Supreme Courts slapped down unconstitutional attempts to the alter the election, sending a clear message that the rule of law must stand in Wisconsin. With our very Constitutionally protected rights on the line, and Judge Karofsky ready to do the bidding of Evers and not give folks a fair shake before the court, it's more important then ever to hold our court majority by returning Justice Dan Kelly to the Supreme Court!

We are also supporting the following County Specific Judge Candidates:

  • Jack Melvin for Waukesha County Circuit Court

  • Judge Dan Gabler for Milwaukee County Circuit Court

  • Judge Paul Dedinsky for Milwaukee County Circuit Court

Can we count on you to help Save Our Courts?

1) If you have not yet voted, please get to the Polls before 8pm and cast your ballot for the above applicable candidates!

2) If you have requested an absentee ballot and have it, you must either drop the ballot off to your town/village/city hall to the secure ballot drop box before 8pm tonight or mail it in post marked by today April 7th. Mail can accidentally not get postmarked, which means your ballot does not count, so dropping it off in person would be preferable.

3) If you have not received your requested absentee, ballot you can still go vote today at the Polls in person. Please do so!


Many communities have consolidated Polling places down to a few or a single location. Don't get caught not knowing, check out or click below. With all the efforts to steal this seat from Justice Kelly, every vote will count!